Monday, May 12, 2008

Sitting at the Piano

Sit up straight facing the center of the piano. Place your feet flat on the floor. If children's feet do not reach the floor, it is helpful to have a footstool or books under them when they practice to maintain good posture.
Sit high enough to reach the keys easily. An adjustable stool works well for children or you may place pillows or books on the bench or chair to help sit at the correct height when practicing.
Good posture is essential to playing the piano well. Feet, knees, legs, shoulders, and elbows should all be at about 90 degrees with a straight back.
Wrists should be level with your arms. Hands should be relaxed with your fingers in a nice curved shape. Imagine holding a ball in each hand. That is the way the fingers should be curved when playting the piano.

Remember, piano playing is fun! Relax and have a good time!